Thursday, 15 December 2011

Circular No IR/617/11

To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils

Our Ref: BR2/14/2

15th December 2011

Dear Colleagues


I have received the following resolution from our Dorset Rail Branch:

“Dorset Rail Branch is very concerned about SWT setting targets according to depot averages for revenue inspectors, contrary to DfT and TOC agreements. This places pressure on Inspectors to achieve targets by reduced use of discretion and will place them in more conflict situations. We already have members on poor performance due to this illegal action by the company. We urge the General Grades Committee to challenge SWT as a matter of urgency.”

The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and has taken the following decision:

“That we note the resolution from our Dorset Rail Branch and the sentiments expressed within. The constant pressure placed on our members by managers who see no further than the bottom line when it comes to penalty fares is unacceptable. Our members are being forced to be more aggressive with the travelling public to achieve ever increasing targets with the threat of disciplinary action as ‘The Big Stick’. This is just wrong. Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to challenge South West Trains on this issue at the earliest opportunity. Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.”

I will now be acting on the instructions of this decision and I will keep you advised of any developments.

Yours sincerely


Bob Crow

General Secretary

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