Thursday, 15 December 2011

Circular No IR/617/11

To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils

Our Ref: BR2/14/2

15th December 2011

Dear Colleagues


I have received the following resolution from our Dorset Rail Branch:

“Dorset Rail Branch is very concerned about SWT setting targets according to depot averages for revenue inspectors, contrary to DfT and TOC agreements. This places pressure on Inspectors to achieve targets by reduced use of discretion and will place them in more conflict situations. We already have members on poor performance due to this illegal action by the company. We urge the General Grades Committee to challenge SWT as a matter of urgency.”

The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and has taken the following decision:

“That we note the resolution from our Dorset Rail Branch and the sentiments expressed within. The constant pressure placed on our members by managers who see no further than the bottom line when it comes to penalty fares is unacceptable. Our members are being forced to be more aggressive with the travelling public to achieve ever increasing targets with the threat of disciplinary action as ‘The Big Stick’. This is just wrong. Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to challenge South West Trains on this issue at the earliest opportunity. Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.”

I will now be acting on the instructions of this decision and I will keep you advised of any developments.

Yours sincerely


Bob Crow

General Secretary

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Rates of Pay & Conditions Of Service 2011-South West Trains

Circular No: IR/603/11

Our Ref: BR2/0001/SWT

13th December 2011


Dear Colleagues,


In line with Union policy, a claim was submitted to the Company for a substantial increase in rates of pay and improvements to conditions of service. An initial meeting between the RMT negotiating team and the Company was held, where an offer of a 3% increase was tabled and immediately rejected.

Following further long discussions with the Company, a ‘full and final’ offer of a 41/4% increase was tabled, dependent upon the Union giving an undertaking of ‘business as usual’ during the 2012 Olympic Games. The Company Council viewed this offer as totally unacceptable and recommended that a ballot for industrial action be conducted.

The General Grades Committee considered the matter and made the decision to prepare a ballot of affected members at South West Trains and also to arrange a meeting at Unity House to discuss Guards’ hours and pay.

The Company then advised that, having further considered its position, it is prepared to improve upon previous offers and the following offer was tabled:-

  • A 4.75% increase to basic rates of pay (excluding allowances), effective 3rd October 2011. This offer applies to all grade groups covered by SWT Procedure Agreement 1 but excludes Driver and Depot Drivers grades which are covered under a separate pay review.
  • A Joint Working Group to be set up to discuss Guards’ terms and conditions.
  • The offer is on the proviso that the Union gives an undertaking that it will be ‘business as usual’ during the course of the 2012 Olympic Games.

The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the following decision:-

“That we note the report from our Lead Officer and the correspondence from South West Trains on file.

Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting at Unity House to discuss this matter further.

In attendance should be the Assistant General Secretary, the Regional Organiser, members of the General Grades Committee and the full SWT Company Council.

Relevant Branches and Regional Council to be informed.”

I am currently acting in accordance with the above decision and will keep you informed of all developments.

Yours Sincerely,


Bob Crow

General Secretary

New Inflation Rates


Tuesday 13th December 2011

Circular No. National Policy 236/11/MC

To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Dear Colleagues,

New Inflation Rates

The Office of National Statistics has just published new inflation figures for the twelve months to October 2011.

The Retail Price Index (RPI) for this twelve monthly period is 5.2%, down from the 5.4% figure for the twelve months to October 2011.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is 4.8% for the twelve months to November 2011. This is down 0.2% from the figure for the twelve months to October 2011.

The largest downward pressures came from food, petrol, furniture and clothing. Partially offsetting these were upward pressures from wines & spirits off sales and fuel & light.

In pay submissions the RMT will continue to emphasise that your financial commitments have increased at a much greater rate than inflation and your living standards have suffered as a result.

Yours Sincerely


Bob Crow,

General Secretary

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Slater News Renovation

Circular No MF/86/11

Our Ref: FIN/C001

24th November 2011

To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Slater Mews Renovation

You will be aware that the two flats known as Slater Mews in the rear of Maritime House (one of which was used by former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott) were redeveloped, turning the two flats into five separate flats where members on Union business can use or rent for £24.00 per night.

The renovation cost was approximately £1,000,000.00 and the flats, when converted, were valued at approximately £2,500,000.00.

We took a loan over 25 years to pay for the renovation in March 2005 and I am pleased to say that we have now paid this loan off completely, which is 19 years early.

I would be obliged if you will bring this to the attention of your members.

Yours sincerely


Bob Crow

General Secretary