Saturday, 24 September 2011

Re: Learning update

Dear All

Please see below for some info and a couple of events that may be of interest to you.

Open Learning - Please be reminded that the SWT Open Learning Centres are still open and available for your use. For those of you that aren't aware,the centres are based in Waterloo, Basingstoke and Southampton. The SWT Open Learning department offers numerous self-study and online courses in wide array of subjects, including Complimentary Therapies, Supervisory Skills, Counselling and Languages. To make an appointment with an Open Learning Advisor, please call 074-9801 Internal or 01256324413 External. - Maths4Us is a joint initiative between unionlearn, NIACE and National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) to encourage people to tackle numeracy, take-up numeracy learning and have fun with maths. There are many reasons people don’t feel confident in maths. Often people have had a bad relationship with maths dating back to their school days, for all sorts of reasons: Link Don’t let this be the reason to stop learning. You can help yourself and others to conquer their fears. Improving maths skills means feeling more confident to: help our children with their homework and encourage them to enjoy maths use everyday maths skills at home such as budgeting understand and use maths at work For further information, visit

Unionlearn Learning and Careers Advice Line - It's your call on 08000 92 91 90 or visit - on the 11th September, unionlearn formally launched its new FREE Learning and Careers Advice Line, in partnership with learndirect . In the last month it has received over 700 enquiries, both online and by telephone from Trade Union members seeking advice on how to further their education, available courses and new career directions. There was interest in subjects as diverse as computer programming, skills for life and welding inspection. This new service is open to TU members across England and Wales, information is available on over 900,000 courses delivered by over 10,000 further education providers nationally. Help is also at hand for people with disabilities to make access to learning easier and guidance is available in nine community languages. Call the FREE impartial advice line on 08000 92 91 90 (only free if you call using your landline). And you can get help in nine different languages:

English - 0800 100 900 : 8am - 10 pm every day

Farsi - 0800 093 1116 : 9am - 5pm Mon – Fri

French - 0800 093 1115 : 9am - 5pm Mon – Fri

Gujarati - 0800 093 1119 : 9am - 5pm Mon – Fri

Polish - 0800 093 1114 : 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri Punjabi - 0800 093 1333 : 9am - 8pm Mon – Fri

Somali - 0800 093 1555 : 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri Sylheti - 0800 093 1444 : 9am - 5pm Mon – Fri

Urdu - 0800 093 1118 : 9am - 8pm Mon – Fri

Go ON.....Get started on your online journey - The Go ON website is a great place for you to get started with computers and the internet. It includes lots of FREE and easy courses that will give you the skills and confidence you need. It doesn't matter if you've never touched a mouse or keyboard before, or you just want to learn a little bit more, Go ON is a great place to get started. Get started - This section is full of fun games, inspiring videos and it also gives you the chance to find out more about the mouse and keyboard, and practise using them. Online basics - is the place to get started with the basics. The course includes six modules covering all the essential skills, including emailing, using the internet safely, searching for things online and using online public services - as well as helping you with your mouse and keyboard skills. Learn more - When you're feeling confident with the basics, the Learn more section is a great way to find out more about what you're interested in. From online shopping to using your mobile phone, finding friends on Facebook, there are loads of great things you can do online - and this section will help you to do them. What next? - Your journey doesn't have to finish after completing these courses - there's still lots more you can do! Whether you want to find a job, get an IT qualification or help someone else get online by becoming a Digital Champion, you'll find it all here! Go ON.....make online easy, visit

Just as a reminder, the next SWT ULR get together is on Weds 16th November at Basingstoke, it would be nice to see you there if you can make it. Please apply locally for your release, any problems please let me know.

I'm not sure if you have received any correspondance regarding two forthcoming events, but just in case you have not, the details are as follows:

4th October - in Doncaster, the RMT ULR National Conference is taking place. This will be held in the Doncaster Trades Club. If you are interested, the contact person for this is Lindsay Rutland, her number is 020-75298820 or

The second event is as below:

Event Details Sixth unionlearn Southern and Eastern Annual Conference

Date Tue, 1 Nov 2011 Time to from 09.30 to 3.30 Location Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS Cost Free of charge Description Trade unions are at the forefront of workplace learning and this conference will be an opportunity to find out what is being achieved.

The event will have a range of workshops giving the latest information on a wide range of initiatives including:

•Skills for Life*

•green skills •health, work, and well-being

•working with the community •

importance of equality and diversity

In the afternoon we invite delegates to be take part in a workshop and an activity to exchange experiences on a range of topics.

Contact for more information


Mark Mark Manwaring

RMT Union Learning Rep Wimbledon - Metro Area

Internal - 00-62379

External - 020-85455379

Mobile - 07921716158

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