Circular No IR/159/12
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: BR2/4/7
29th March 2012
Dear Colleagues
Further to my previous circular on the above matter dated 17th February 2011 (IR/39/11), the General Grades Committee has considered this matter and has taken the following decision:
“That we note the developments from our Regional Organiser on file, stating that he is unaware of any serious developments regarding this matter. Further we reaffirm our stance as outlined in our previous decision G253, 1st March 2011 and instruct the General Secretary to write to all relevant Branches requesting feedback on any issues relating to B16 & B22 Special Monitoring of Guards procedures. All relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.”
In line with the above, I would be most grateful if South West Trains Branches could give this matter their earliest attention and report back any outstanding issues they have on the Special Monitoring of Guards procedures to Head Office.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary